Estil mercy de quoy len sceust finer
Estil pitie quo[n] sceust en vo[us] trouver
Estil mamo[ur] nulle riens souffisante
Estil chose tant soit forte ou puissante
Dont ie sceussce vo g[ra]ce rectuon [recouvrer?]
Pour fondre tout en larmes de plorer
Ne pour peine que ie sceusse endurer
Estil chose dont [vous] feussiez contente
Estil mercy de quoy len sceust finer. . .
Quel remede puisie a mon fait trouver
Quant je voi bien que par tant vo[us] amer
Il ne sensuit que ma mort evidente
Et toutesfois pour douleur que je sente
Je ne men puis tant soit peu descouvrer
Estil mercy de quoy len sceust finer. . .
Is it of mercy that one may die?
Is it pity that one may find in you?
Is it, my love, that nothing suffices?
Is there something strong or powerful enough by which I may recover your grace?
For collapsing all in tears from weeping,
nor for the pain that I may endure:
Is there nothing that will content you?
Is it of mercy that one may die . . .
What remedy can improve my lot
when I see well that by loving you so much
nothing follows but my apparent death.
And always, for the sorrow that I feel,
I can't bear to discover myself alone.
Is it of mercy that one may die . . .