Adieu ces bons vins de Lannoys.
Adieu dames, adieu bourgeois,
Adieu celle que tant amoye,
Adieu toute playssante joye,
Adieu tout compagnons gallois.
Je men vois tout arquant des nois,
Car je ne truis feve ne pois,
Dont bien souvent au cuer mennoye.
De moy serés par plusiers fois,
Regrets par dedans les bois,
Ou il ny a sentier ne voye;
Puis ne scaray que faire doye
Se je ne crie a haute vois:
Adieu ces bons vins de Lannoys...
Farewell those good wines of the Lannoys
Farewell ladies, farewell burghers,
Farewell to her whom I so loved.
Farewell all pleasure and joy.
Farewell all boon companions,
I depart all bent over by my load of nuts,
For I cannot find beans nor peas,
At which my heart feels constant annoyance.
I shall miss you frequently
Within the woods
Where there is neither path nor way.
And I shall not know what I ought to do,
But to cry aloud:
Farewell those good wines of the Lannoys