11 Dueil Angoisseux

Text, Christine de Pizan
Music, Gilles Binchois (1400-1460)

Dueil angoisseux, rage desmesuree,
Grief desespoir, plein de forsennemont,
Langour sanz fin et vie maleuree,
Pleine de plour, d’angoisse et de tourment;
Cuer doloreux qui vit obscurement,
Tenebreux corps sur le point de partir
Ay, sanz cesser, continuellement;
Et si ne puis ne garir ne morir.

Fierte, durte de joye separee,
Triste penser, parfont gemissement.
Angoisse grant en las cuer enserree,
Courroux amer porte couvertement,
Morne maintien sanz resjoissement;
Espoir dolent qui tous biens fait tarir,
Si sont en moy, sanz partir nullement;
Et si ne puis ne garir ne morir.

Soussi, anuy qui tous jours a duree,
Aspre veillier, tressaillir en dormant,
Labour en vain, a chiere alangouree,
En grief travail infortuneement,
Et tout le mal, qu’on puet entierement
Dire et penser sanz espoir de garir,
Me tourmentent desmesureement;
Et si ne puis garir ne morir.

Princes, priez a Dieu qui bien briefment
Me doint la mort, s’autrement secourir
Ne veult le mal ou languis durement;
Et si ne puis garir ne morir.



Anguished grief, rage beyond measure;
Grieving despair full of madness;
Endless languishing and unfortunate life
Full of tears, anguish and torment;
Dolorous heart that lives in darkness,
Ghostly body on the point of parting.
Ay! Without ceasing - continuous -
And thus, I can neither heal nor die.

Cruelty! Harshness of joy removed,
Sad thoughts, deep sighs,
Great grief locked in a weakened heart;
Bitter distress carried covertly.
Maintaining mourning without joy.
Lost Hope that banishes all good things
All are in me, never to part;
And thus, I can neither heal nor die.

Worry, fretting throughout every day,
Bitter waking, tripping up sleep.
Labor in vain with languid expression
In the travail of unfortunate grief.
All the ills, which one could ever
Speak and think, without hope of healing,
Torment me immeasurably;
And thus I can neither heal nor die.

Princes, pray to God, who owes me death soon,
If he does not wish to offer succor for the pain
In which I harshly languish;
And thus, I can neither heal, nor die.

