la face ay pale,
La cause est amer.
Cest la principale.
Et tant mest amer, amer,
Quen la mer me voudroye voir.
Or, scet bien de voir
La belle a qui suis,
Que nul bien avoir
Sans elle ne puis.
Se ay pesante malle,
De dueil a porter,
Cette amour est male
Pour moy de porter.
Car soy deporter,
Ne veult devouloir
Fors qua son vouloir
Obeisse, et puis
Quelle a tel pouvoir,
Sans elle ne puis.
Cest la plus reale
Quon puist regarder,
De samour leiale
Ne me puis guarder.
Fol sui de agarder.
Ne faire devoir
Damours recevoir
Fors delle, je cuij;
Se ne veil douloir,
Sans elle ne puis.
If the face is pale,
The cause is love.
Its the principle cause,
And much for me is bitter, bitter
That I would like to see myself in the ocean
Now, it is good to see
The Beauty for whom I live,
For without her I can find
Nothing good.
If it were bad to carry
A weight of sorrow,
Then this love is bad
For me to carry,
Since I am carried away.
I do not wish to devalue
How strongly I want
To obey her desire
And since she has such power,
Without her, I cannot
She is the most real
That one can regard:
I cannot guard myself
From her loyal love.
I am mad from it.
Dont make a duty
Of receiving love
So strongly from her
If one does not desire pain.
Without her, I cannot