3 Vergine Bella

Guillaume Dufay (1400-1474)

Vergine bella, che di sol vestita,
Coronata di stelle, al sommo sole
Piacesti sí, che 'n te Sua luce ascose,
Amor mi spinge a dir di te parole;
Ma non so 'ncominciar senza tu' aita,
E di Colui ch'amando in te si pose:
Invoco lei che ben sempre rispose,
Chi la chiamò con fede.
Vergine, s'a mercede
Miseria estrema de l'umane cose
Già mai ti volse, al mio prego t'inchina;
Soccorri a la mia guerra,
Ben ch'i' sia terra, tu del ciel regina.


Beautiful Virgin, clothed in sunlight, crowned by stars,
Whom the highest Sun found so pleasing
That he hid his light in you,
Love drives me to speak of you.
But I don’t know how to begin without your aid,
And that of Him who comes to rest in you.
I invoke Her who always responds
To those who call upon her with faith.
Lady, if extreme misery in human beings
Could ever incline you to bend down to my prayer,
Help my struggle, though I may be of earth,
And you the Queen of Heaven.