My love of the stories of Coppelia and Pinnochio and of the many and varied story characters in the world has led me to a rich life creating art dolls. When I was ten years old, I began making dolls and dreamed of having a doll shop for people who were looking for a special doll that they had imagined - a doll that they couldn't find anywhere else. I imagined hearing that person's dream and creating it for them.

     This is my favorite part of the creative process: talking together about the doll you imagine. I have always agreed with Sara Crewe in A Little Princess, that special dolls listen to you and keep your secrets. It is my goal to bring to life the personality as well as the physical being of the doll.

     Let's start at the very beginning... Tell me what character you are looking for, and about things you like: what colors, what fabrics, what kind of creature. What makes this doll special to you? If this is a gift, we can create a hidden secret: a special pocket with a charm tucked inside, or a tiny picture in a locket. My Butterfly Fairy was envisioned by a man for his bride, and included not only her favorite colors and flowers, but a necklace to match the one she would wear on their wedding day, and a crown that is an exact replica of her wedding ring.

     I also enjoy making portrait dolls either of story characters, or of people. I can match a particular outfit, or create a doll similar to a favorite child and make several outfits: a pirate, perhaps? or a princess?

     A great favorite with performers on Broadway is to have a portrait doll made of their favorite role. I watch them in performance and have a backstage consultation, during which I carefully examine all the details of the costume, allowing me to design a spectacular replica, such as the Monkey from The Phantom of the Opera on the page of selected work.

     Dolls begin at $2500. If there is a doll you are imagining...