16 Mon povre cuer n’a que tristresse

Anonymous, Oxford Can. Misc. 213

Mon povre cuer n’a que tristresse
Pour le mal qu’il luy fault souffrir,
Tant qu’il ne scet que devenir
Puis-que sa dame si le lesse.

Que feray je, helas, et qu’esse,
Me convient il tel mal sentir.
Mon povre cuer n’a que tristresse…

Je la puis servir de promesse
Et si luy veul entretenir.
S’a ce ne se veult consentir,
Mourir me faut. Chantes ma messe.
Mon povre cuer n’a que tristresse…



My poor heart has but sadness
For the pain that it has to endure,
Such that it does not know what will become of it
Since its lady thus has left it.

What shall I do, alas, and what will be?
Do I deserve to feel such pain?
My poor heart has but sadness…

I may serve her by my promise
And thus wish to keep her.
If she will not consent to that
I shall have to die: sing my mass.
My poor heart has but sadness…